Our Mission

Our collaborative mission is to provide compassionate and evidence-based assessments and treatment for children, adolescents, adults, and families living in the Ottawa Valley or surrounding communities. We are eager to collaborate with school staff, physicians, and other treatment providers in the circle of care for yourself or your child. We offer therapy services in English and French (Marie-Christine only). Please note we are only able to provide psychological assessment services in English at this time. 

Dr. Alisha Henson, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist


Dr. Len Gignac, Ph.D.,

Clinical Psychologist

Melissa Oleynik, M.Ed., Registered Psychotherapist


Marie-Christine Bois, MSW, Registered Social Worker/

MTS, Travailleuse sociale inscrite

Abby Doner,

MSW, Registered Social Worker

Erin Oakie,

MA, Registered


Janet Cullen,

MA, Registered Psychotherapist

Amanda Quenneville,

BSc., Psychometrist

Elna Roberts, Psy.D. 

Post -Doc Intern

Working under the supervision Alisha Henson, Ph.D., C. Psych & Dr. Len Gignac, Ph.D., C. Psych

Olivia Richardson, BSW, MSW student, Registered Social Worker

Debra Woodfine, MSW, Registered Social Worker

Kristy Dahms, MA, Registered Psychotherapist